LORC unites with the Brice Prairie Conservation Association (BPCA) on the current North Shore Lane Project to dredge about 1500 feet at the northern end of the lake to create a boat channel, a fish overwintering area, and sediment trap to capture drift deposits.
After this Dredging Project, LORC intends to lead future project efforts, some of which are listed below. BPCA focuses more on conservation and education. LORC's focus aligns with BPCA but adds advocacy and lobbying emphasis to help ensure a healthy Lake Onalaska for fish, wildlife, and generations of people.
As a private charitable organization, LORC also partners with the Lake Onalaska Protection & Rehabilitation District (LOPRD, or Lake District) which is a special unit of government formed by Wisconsin State Statute, Chapter 33, empowered to operate on its own initiative regarding lake management issues.